
Clark Integrated Medical Clinics
Chiropractic and Rehabilitative Care Centers & Integrated Medical Clinic located in Lafayette, New Iberia, Scott & Pineville, LA
Joint pain, swelling, and stiffness can prevent you from doing many things and enjoying life. The medical team at Clark Integrated Medical Clinics in Lafayette, Pineville and New Iberia, Louisiana, has more than 30 years of experience caring for people with arthritis. With a wide range of treatment options, Clark Integrated Medical Clinics is dedicated to effective arthritis treatment through creating a plan individually designed for you. Stop suffering from arthritis pain by calling or going online to make an appointment with Clark Integrated Medical Clinics.
Arthritis Q & A
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is the medical term for inflammation that causes joint pain and joint disease. Common symptoms of arthritis include swelling, pain, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion in any joint in the body.
There are more than 100 types of arthritis with their own unique causes. At Clark Integrated Medical Clinics, the team has more than 30 years of combined experience caring for patients with arthritis and providing effective treatment.
What are the different types of arthritis?
All types of arthritis fall into four categories. These are:
Degenerative arthritis
This is the most common form of arthritis. It is caused by damage to the joints through injury or daily wear and tear. It is also called osteoarthritis.
Inflammatory arthritis
In this case, inflammation causes joint damage. This category includes rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, both of which are related to genetic and environmental factors.
Infectious arthritis
Rapid damage to joints is caused when a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection triggers inflammation. Immediate treatment is required to prevent permanent damage.
Metabolic arthritis
For some, arthritis is caused by an excess of uric acid. Uric acid is found in foods like meat and alcohol. Uric acid builds up in the form of crystals that deposit in your joints — especially the big toe — causing severe pain.
How is arthritis diagnosed?
At Clark Integrated Medical Clinics, you will first meet with your doctor to discuss your medical history and symptoms. Your doctor will then perform a thorough physical exam to determine the location of your pain and the potential causes.
Your physical review will involve joint assessments, muscle strength testing, and an orthopedic exam. If arthritis is suspected, your doctor will assign follow-up testing, which could include lab work, X-rays, or an MRI.
Based on the information from your physical exam and additional testing, your doctor will diagnose your condition and outline an appropriate treatment plan.
How is arthritis treated?
Depending on the cause of your arthritis, your treatment will vary. Basic treatment involves safe physical activity and proper nutrition. Chiropractic treatment involves spinal and extremity adjustments and as well as rehabilitation to improve joint mobility and function.
For more complex issues, pharmaceutical management is also available, including prescription medications, regenerative medicine, and cell therapy.
No matter the cause of your arthritis, the team at Clark Integrated Medical Clinics is prepared to help you. Call or go online to schedule an appointment today.